Nitro Response

Nitro Response ™ delivers the perfect harmony of responsive support and comfort. Born from the desire to find a micro coil replacement, our chemists developed nitrogen-infused technology, crafting a revolutionary memory foam that ensures dreamy, unparalleled sleep.

Nitro Response ™ responds to your body, offering deep support and relieving pressure without that bottoming out feel of traditional coils. Nitro Response ™ also minimizes motion transfer, ensuring a restful night even if your partner tosses and turns. Nitrogen-infusion is just one of our many innovations to bedding and soft luxurious sleep. In addition, Nitro’s small porosity cell structure enhances transitional support, offering you a more comfortable and balanced sleep experience. Nitrogen-infused technology is already making waves in footwear, food, and beverage industries. Now, we’re excited to bring you nitrogen-infused urethane—an incredibly comfortable and supportive memory foam.


  • Color: May Vary By Grade
  • Density (lbs. / cu. ft.): 2.50+/-0.30 & 2.60+/-0.30
  • IFD @25% (lbs. / 50 sq. in.): 16 - 20 & 9 - 13
  • Elongation: > 100%
  • Tear Resistance (lbs. / sq. in.): > 0.70
  • Tensile Strength (lbs. / sq. in.): > 6.0
  • Compression Set (@ 90% comp.): < 10%
  • Hysteresis Loss: < 23%
  • Air Flow: < 1.0
  • TG: < 50°F

Let's Work Together

The most innovative products come from the most innovative people - and for over 55 years our team has been propelled by curiosity and a steadfast dedication to inventing and creating the best foam formulations for our customers.